Cymex® bedbugs contact kill
Natural, ready to use
- Eliminate dust mites in cloth fibers, kill fleas, and prevent fungi
- Spraying with a contact formula can immediately kill adult wood lice (bed bugs) stop being sucked and made itchy
- Can kill dust mites, fleas and eggs within 48-72 hours
- No resistant will be developed
- No bubbles, odorless
- Pesticides registered by the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and the US Environmental Protection Agency
Wide range of application
- Suitable for mattresses and other places where wood lice and dust mites are easily hidden-such as bed frames, sofas, curtains, carpets, fabric decorations, pet houses, etc.
- Spray bottle design can be sprayed directly or sprayed on the mattress and hidden position
How to use
- No dilution required, ready to use
- Bed bugs/wood lice, fleas: spray directly on the position that is infected, it can kill adults immediately
- Large-scale infestation: If you want to comprehensively resolve bedbugs infestation, you can arrange a professional fumigation treatment
- Service enquiries: 2896-5272
Safe for
Natural, safe and harmless
- Originally imported by Nisus Corp., a leading US research and manufacturer of natural insecticides and pesticides
- Harmless to people, pets and the environment
- Do not use on the surface of food contact or food preparation place