The Virus 關於病毒
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.
問: 什麼是COVID-19 ?
What is SARS-CoV-2?
The virus has been named “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2” or “SARS-CoV-2” and was identified in late 2019. It is a type of enveloped human coronavirus.
答:該病毒已被命名為“嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症冠狀病毒2”或“ SARS-CoV-2”,並且於2019年底被確認。這是一種人類冠狀病毒。
What is the source of SARS-CoV-2?
This virus likely originated in bats prior to transmission to humans via direct contact with bats or via contact with animals infected by bats in Asia.
Is the virus food-borne?
At this time, the virus is believed to be transmitted only via person to person contact by touch or by inhalation near an infected person or by contact with surfaces which harbor the virus.
問:該病毒是由食物傳播的嗎 ?
Do all infected people show symptoms?
No. Some people show symptoms, and some show no symptoms (asymptomatic). Those who show no symptoms are particularly a concern in that they can spread the virus without knowing. The incubation period is typically several days or longer.
答:不是。有些人有症狀,有些人則無症狀。 那些沒有症狀的患者特別令人擔憂,因為它們可以在不知情的情況下傳播病毒。而潛伏期通常為幾天或更長時間。
Do we expect the virus to die off with warm weather?
Nobody knows at this point. The CDC is hopeful that the virus will run the traditional cycle of dying off in warm weather, but the concern remains that it may re-emerge with next cool season.
答:這仍是未知之數。美國疾病預防控制中心 (CDC) 希望該病毒能夠如傳统般在溫暖的天氣週期中消失,但仍然憂慮它可能在下一個涼爽季節重現。
How can we stop the spread of COVID-19?
Follow guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.htm
答:可参照美國疾病預防控制中心 (CDC)的相關指引 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.htm
Applying Nisus DSV
What exactly is Nisus DSV?
Nisus DSV is a disinfectant, sanitizer and virucide. It is a concentrate of four active ingredients (quaternary ammonias):
Octyl Decyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride 1.65%
Didecyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride 0.825%
Dioctyl Dimethyl Ammonium Chloride 0.825%
Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride 2.200%
問:Nisus DSV到底是什麼?
答:Nisus DSV是一種消毒劑,殺菌劑和殺病毒劑。 它是四種有效成分的濃縮物 (季氨):
“Human coronavirus” is on the label as a target organism. Since SARS-CoV-2 is a type of human coronavirus, can we claim efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of COVID-19?
SARS-CoV-2 is a new or novel virus. Only two categories of products may claim efficacy…those products which are part of the emerging pathogens program and those products not part of the program, but which EPA has deemed effective against SARS-CoV-2. Both categories of acceptable products are found on List N, published by EPA. The base for Nisus DSV, 10324-80, was added to EPA’s List N on 3/13/20. As a result, EPA has determined that Nisus DSV is effective against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19. EPA instructs applicators to follow the label instructions for (human) coronavirus. The label rate is 2 oz. Nisus DSV per gallon of water with a minimum of 10-minute contact time.
問:“人類冠狀病毒”在標籤上顯示屬於目標性生物。 由於SARS-CoV-2是人類冠狀病毒的一種,DSV能否聲稱可有效對抗SAV-CoV-2病毒(COVID-19的起因)?
答:SARS-CoV-2是一種新型病毒。 只有兩類產品可以聲稱具有功效…… 一類是產品屬於新興病原體計劃;另一類是那些產品不屬於計劃,但EPA認為對SARS有效的產品。兩類有效產品可於 EPA公佈的清單N中找到。 Nisus DSV的基底成份10324-80已添加到EPA在3/13/20上列出的清單N – 即EPA確定Nisus DSV對SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19的起因)有效。 EPA要求使用者跟從產品標籤上有關(人類)冠狀病毒的使用說明。標籤標示是每2盎司Nisus DSV原液加1加侖水稀釋,使用後靜置10分鐘。
Is any product labeled specifically for the control of SARS-CoV-2?
As of March 2020, no product is labeled specifically for SARS-CoV-2. The virus was only identified in late December 2019, so no labels have that strain listed.
答:截至2020年3月,沒有針對SARS-CoV-2專門標記產品。 該病毒僅在2019年12月下旬才發現,因此沒有任列出該菌株的標籤。
What is the label rate other than for human coronavirus?
For most applications, the label rate is currently 1 to 2 fluid ounces per gallon of water with varying contact times. Some applications require differing rates, so as always, read and follow the label.
Nisus DSV has a DANGER signal word. Why is that?
If you look at the Precautionary Statements, note that this product, as with most concentrated quats, can be harmful if splashed into the eyes. Once diluted, while care should be taken, the danger is dramatically reduced.
問:Nisus DSV有一個”DANGER” 警告字眼。 這是為什麼?
答:如果您查看“預防聾明”, 與大多數濃縮的季銨鹽一樣,本產品濺入眼中可能有害。 稀釋後,雖然仍需小心使用,但危險會大幅減少。
Do I need eye protection and gloves?
Read the label for instructions on personal protective equipment.
答: 請閱讀標籤上有關個人防護装備的說明。
Does Nisus DSV leave residual protection?
Once the product dries, no residual should be expected. This is true of any “quat” product on nonporous surfaces.
問:Nisus DSV的殘留仍有保護作用嗎?
答: 產品乾燥後,不會有殘留。 對於無孔表面上的任何“季銨鹽”產品都是如此。
What is the difference between sanitizing and disinfection?
Sanitizing requires killing 99.999% of organisms tested with a residence time of 30 seconds using the Official Detergent Sanitizer Test. Disinfection is killing 100% of organisms in 10 minutes using the AOAC Use Dilution Test.
答: 殺菌要求在美國Official Detergent Sanitizer Test測試中能殺死99.999% 停留時間為30秒的測試生物。而清毒則需在AOAC Use Dilution Test稀釋測試中,於10分鐘內殺死100%的生物。
Can I use a concentration stronger than the label rate?
It is a violation of federal and state law to use a concentration stronger than the label permits for that use.
Can I use less than the label rate?
For an antimicrobial, you should always use the label rate and not less.
Can I fog the interior of a customer’s building with Nisus DSV?
The label permits fogging in certain situations, but the product will be more effective if liquid is applied directly to surfaces. Note that “fogging” on the label is a wet mist and not thermal or other traditional “fogging” application. The disadvantage of “fogging” is that the droplets will settle on horizontal surfaces by gravity and not reach under surfaces such as beneath handrails.
問:我可以使用Nisus DSV來霧化客戶建築物的內部嗎?
答: 標籤指示可允許在某些情況下進行霧化,但產品更有效以液體直接使用在物件表面。耍注意標籤上的”霧化”是濕霧,而不是熱霧或其他傳統的“霧化”應用程序。而”霧化”的缺點是液滴會通過重力在水平面由上而下沉降,物件底部未必能接觸到。
Will Nisus DSV work on soft surfaces such as pillows?
Nisus DSV is formulated for hard non-porous surfaces. Some surfaces such as carpets are on the label but application to a porous surface will not be as effective, which is why cloth, textiles, clothing, etc., are not on the label as a site.
問:Nisus DSV是否可以在柔軟的表面(例如枕頭)上使用?
答:Nisus DSV最適用於堅硬的無孔表面。 標籤上列舉一些可使用的表面如地毯;但是在多孔表面上的應用效果或未如在無孔表面上好,所以並未有包括布、紡織品等物料在使用標纖上。
How is Nisus DSV applied?
It can be applied via mop and bucket, sprayers, sponge, soaking, and in limited uses, by fogging (defined as wet misting). See the label for full details.
問:如何使用Nisus DSV?
答: 可配合以拖把和水桶、噴霧器、海綿或浸泡方式使用,也可有限度通過霧化來使用(定義為濕霧)。 有關詳細使用方法,請參見標籤。
Is rinsing required?
Rinsing is required after treating food contact surfaces for sanitizing for 30 seconds or disinfecting for 10 minutes.
Can diluted Nisus DSV be applied to hands to replace a hand sanitizer?
No. Nisus DSV is for surfaces only and is not for use on people or animals.
問:可以將稀釋的Nisus DSV應用於手上以代替洗手液嗎?
答:否。Nisus DSV適用於物件表面,不是用於人或動物。
After treating, how long should a customer remain out of the area?
Customers do not need to be out of the area for any given time while Nisus DSV is being applied to surfaces unless the state requires customer (commonly in schools) to remain out of the area. This will vary by state. Customers should not touch surfaces until dry.
答:Nisus DSV 應用於物件表面時,除州政府要求外(通常在學校),客戶無需離開進行服務的範圍。但客戶不應接觸已處理表面直至完全風乾為止。
Can Nisus DSV be applied to soil?
Nisus DSV is for hard, non-porous surfaces and some soft surfaces. Nisus DSV should not be applied to soil.
問:Nisus DSV可以用於泥土嗎?
答:Nisus DSV適用於堅硬,無孔的表面和某些柔軟的表面。 Nisus DSV不應用於泥土。
Does Nisus DSV have a chemical odor?
Nisus DSV has a pleasant fresh citrus fragrance with no chemical odor.
問:Nisus DSV是否有化學氣味?
答:Nisus DSV有芳香味,並沒有化學氣味。
What is the shelf life of Nisus DSV?
The concentrate should be stored in cool and dry place. The product is stable for over a year. Diluted Nisus DSV is also stable but it is always best to mix only what is needed for an application in order to avoid having to label and store a diluted product.
問:Nisus DSV的保質期有多長?
答:濃縮液應存放在陰涼乾燥處。 該產品穩定期長達一年。 稀釋後雖也穩定,建議依所需的份量即時稀釋使用。